And if you didn't have such a hate hard-on for BLR and by extension Mu, you'd see that's exactly why we are approaching our outreach in the way we are. The studies are there. Sharing studies with normal people will accomplish zero. The first goal, is visibility and humanization. People need to be willing to hear our stories as told by us. We need to be our own narrators, not have people narrate for us. That's why I don't agree with the people that think VirPed has done nothing but damage. I don't agree with all of their messaging, but through the 2010s they managed to get a variety of BL and GL stories out into the public, and to a (albeit small) group of progressive people, they were seen, for the first time, as human instead of as monsters. The next step is to get even more varied MAP voices out there. Voices that don't come across as self-loathing. |