Videos on tik tok, instagram, snapchat, facebook and so on, of cute or plain sexy boys, are being put out in rigged versions by the clandestine social-media-state integrations to include subliminal signalling (to do with refresh rate timing and embedded peripheral pixels plus eye tracking - so only works on the apps). These indirectly cause neural damage when watched, over time, as well as enhancing addiction, inability to look away, and compulsive desire to scroll. The damage is evidenced through feeling brain fog symptoms and secondary headache-flu like symptoms after watching such. It's a strategic ploy to harm the boy loving community as a lobby globally by lowering the group IQ. Is being used on other politically targeted groups ofc. Yes,, sounds like sci fi. Well doesn't everything nowadays; just dig deep enough. Tech is accelerating beyond average people's understanding. The media's conceptual ability to report is sub par. Most big developments are no longer made public or buried in volume. And deep state actors are increasingly reckless and activist. You're welcome for the warning. Warn others. Stop watching these videos. Get off "desire addiction" so called social apps before you lose the will. Find your fix elsewhere. Meet real boys. The only 'fix' strong enough to save you........ |