Translated the only mention of "Brongersma" I could find on his Foundation's site:
The Fund for Scientific Research on Sexuality (FWOS) was established in 2004.
The reason for establishing the FWOS was the desire to distance itself from the namesake of the Brongersma Foundation, which is the legal predecessor of the FWOS. Brongersma was not of impeccable conduct in his personal life. He held views on pedosexuality with which the board could not and cannot agree.
By formulating its own statutes, the FWOS has set a completely unique course. Over time, the funding of research from the FWOS has been thoroughly changed and professionalised. In doing so, it was decided to follow the standard of large national scientific grant providers, such as NWO and ZonMw. The procedures used by the FWOS board are directly derived from this and thus guarantee transparency, objectivity and a substantive critical assessment of the current state of affairs in the social sciences.
