...involving tens-of-millions of dollars every year, and hundreds-of-thousands of children. See, big businesses make obscene profits, and, for tax purposes, are always seeking "charities" that they can donate money to, which can be used to offset profits and reduce their tax burden, and which also provide the corporations with opportunities for positive publicity in attempts to enhance their public image -- "look what good we're doing for the poor, innocent children" -- to direct people's attention away from the corrupt practices that they engage in to earn their obscene profits. Then enter "the child savers". I've looked deeply into the myriad claims made regarding "child exploitation" and "child trafficking," and, unfortunately, due to the complexity of the (so-called) "problem" I cannot go into great detail about it here in a post on BoyChat as it really is a book-length topic. Trust me -- you can't find very many publications that really "pick apart" the claims of the "child savers" and expose their manipulations and downright lies. These lies are told everywhere on the Internet, by a wide variety of organizations and individuals, including the rich and the famous. And who can contradict anyone who is "defending the rights of children against being abused"? Certainly not the politicians, for whom the topic garners large numbers of votes from ignorant, misinformed voters. Not the media, for whom "child trafficking" is a giant cash cow. Not the government, where those at the head of certain departments are working hard to maintain fear among the population as a way of controlling them, and which allows them to continue to strip the people of their constitutional rights. And, least of all, not the (so-called) "child molesters" who would like to dispel the ignorance of the population in general -- people who would rather believe in "monsters" (ooh! how exciting!) who (supposedly) kidnap, rape, torture and kill innocent young children -- including little boys and tiny babies! -- for their own sexual gratification. And, so, here we are. Bits and pieces of the "myth of child trafficking/child exploitation" are exposed, here and there, in different books, magazine articles, blogs, etc. but we really need someone to "deconstruct" the huge number of false claims made on the subject in one book. But it would be a bitch to write, and no publisher would touch it with a ten-foot pole for fear of backlash by the "claims makers" who would be discredited. Well, I haven't really answered anything you brought up in your post, but I hope that I have at least pointed out where many of the REAL problems are... M. The CRAP that the "child-savers" come out with is enough to make you want to throw your hands up in despair at the absurdity of the world today, and the people who inhabit it... Fuck it. I'll just make some notes here. A huge number of the "children" supposedly "trafficked" for sex are young women under 18 years old, seeking to improve their economic situation, and that of their families, and are not forced or coerced in any way at all. After being "saved" by the police (making great headlines!) and sent back home to their countries, the young woman just jump right back on a plane and go right back to work in "the sex industry" where they make big money for easy work. Many have been "saved" numerous times! In poor countries, every mouth requires food, and young people (yes, even young children) are sent to work so that they earn money and can then eat (or will be fed by their employers). The alternative is starvation. The same situation existed in the Western world a hundred or two hundred years ago. Most of the work is NOT dangerous to the children's bodies, or harmful to their health. A large number of children "trafficked" are children who are moved around by their parents in custody disputes. Many of the "children exploited" are teenagers kicked out of their homes (often for being gay) and forced to survive on the street. Most of them do OK and eventually get back on their feet, but some do get involved in hard drugs, and then die. Fault society for not taking care of their young. "Sexual slavery" is virtually non-existent. It doesn't pay off either in short or the long run. But it makes for lurid headlines! Most female prostitutes are independent workers, and are NOT "controlled and abused" by "vicious pimps." Some women depend on customer leads from their "pimps" but are NOT abused by them. Others receive protection by their "pimps" from persecution by corrupt police and politicians, the "pimps" taking a reasonable portion of the women's earnings as a "fee" for their services. If they overcharge, the women go elsewhere. A tiny majority of highly disturbed women seek relationships where men (including "pimps") seriously abuse them. These woman come from troubled families, which is the real cause of their emotional problems. My fingers are starting to hurt, so I'll stop here. I wonder if anyone else at BoyChat also understands the truth about the lies and misinformation regarding the (so-called) "trafficking" and "exploitation" of young people? (Signing off for the second time.) M. I doubt it... |