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I'm glad that you as a parent are so ''liberal''

Posted by Jessy on 2025-January-2 17:25:26, Thursday
In reply to Youth rights - a partial retraction? posted by diogenes on 2025-January-2 15:52:39, Thursday

Many many are not and enjoy the control too much...
and so society should have a cultural understanding built into it's policy.

If you have a father that suffers from little man syndrome and absolutely rejects any notion of homosexuality, sex as an energy release, that is natural and enjoyable... then you have a male youth that will hide, sneak, take chances, suffer from poor self esteem and perhaps start using drugs.

The wost case scenario is to have both a parent and a culture like the above described situation, like we pretty much have in modern day...

add to that a church that is equally stern, and tunnelled visioned and man you have many youth in chronic depression... (feeding the mental health $services)

Universities won't challenge any destructive narrative... Sooooo

Not many give a fuck about a liberated male youth unfortunately.

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