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Re: What are the plans for NAMBLA after Herman?

Posted by Eric Tazelaar on 2025-January-2 11:53:29, Thursday
In reply to What are the plans for NAMBLA after Herman? posted by JohnHolt on 2025-January-1 12:12:44, Wednesday

"Will they be releasing their archive of Magazines? Helping direct newspaper archive research on their history?"

If someone's willing to do it, then yes. As I understand it, some has been scanned, some has not. Also, it was decided long ago that not all of it should be put up on the web, often because it didn't age well, for one reason or the other.

"Who has pledged their will to NAMBLA?"

Well, that person, if they exist, would have to be the one to do so and, if that person's dead, then there's that.

"What are they going to do with the South Park/Jon Stewart legacy?"

Is there anything we can or should do about it? I'm inclined to think not.

"Personally I'd like to see NAMBLA get involved in setting up a successor organization for queer MOGAI youth, many of whom are pedophilic furries or BoyLovers. Another, somewhat wealthier organisation were less than enthused when I suggested THAT."

I'm not surprised at their lack of enthusiasm! I've got a better idea: how about those people who want to start a successor organization, whether it be for queer MOGAI (?) or furries or furriers or vegetarian werewolves actually be the ones to start such an organization?

It's amazing what people can do when they set their minds to things!

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