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Re: Man-Boy Love and Feminism (Thorstad)

Posted by monkeyLostInHead on 2025-January-1 14:25:32, Wednesday
In reply to Man-Boy Love and Feminism (Thorstad) posted by Pharmakon on 2025-January-1 13:45:35, Wednesday

the same tired old stuff that has been debunked by me and others many times.

The idea that its as simple as "liberation" or "freedom", that we just give someone the freedom they want or deserve, and everything will be fine. You can have no idea whether these ideas will make things better or worse, or what effect they would have.

The idea that women and children are oppressed and not free. Perhaps this is the case in certain places in the world, but not in the west.

The idea that liberation means people should be able to do whatever they want.

all wrapped up in some vague argument. "well, you wouldnt want to be against FREEDOM, would you?"

There is no reason to believe that the type of freedom you are advocating for is worth striving for. And there are strong indications that it is an awful way to live.

And, in order to reach that place, you are going to have to do a lot of oppressing and restricting and coercion.

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