I completely disagree with both the idea of "giving kids choices" and "routinely given puberty blockers". Puberty blockers, as they're called, are not routine at all and the idea of "choice" in medicine is an extremely neoliberal, individualist view of medicine. Rather than medicine and medical practice being based on a relationship of trust between the doctor and the patient, where the doctor, with more knowledge than the patient, acts responsibly to guide the patient, instead the doctor is a mere service provider to a customer. The patient, sorry, customer, can choose whether or not he wants early puberty, late puberty or no puberty. Maybe choose between boy puberty and girl puberty. Pick your choice of boobs and dick you want from the shelf. The doctor has no responsibility to the patient, there is no relationship, only pure, naked capitalism. That's what you are advocating for, but you don't even realize it because you're so drenched in propaganda that you see this extreme of individualist, anti-social politics as being left-wing and progressive. |