None of your dishonest weaseling Correcting your lies isn't "weaseling". What do you think weaseling is? The degree of idiotic you have to be to say that there's no name calling Woah, first of all, "idiotic"? I thought you didn't like ad-hominems? Is it only ok when you do it? Also, haven't you said that BoyChat is a place for friendly discussions? And that you respond to me with humor and grace? Calling me idiotic isn't all that friendly, funny, or graceful, is it? but the guy called the person a piece of shit Which guy? Errant did, but monkey didn't. Whether Errant called someone a piece of shit has no bearing on whether monkey made an ad hom attack. See, stuff like this is actual weaseling. it's just astounding that you'd be that dishonest. Awww, do you think that when someone calls out your lies, you can just falsely accuse them of doing the same thing? That's adorable! Unfortunately, that's not how that works, either. |