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Deeply misopedic society

Posted by nightingale on 2024-September-18 14:15:08, Wednesday

I recently went to a show. I was bored in my house, with nothing to do, and, since it was totally free and open to the public, I decided to go. (It was outside.) It was a familiar show, so I expected to see plenty of boys around there, accompanied by their parents... and I was not wrong. (Such a paradisiacal sight, by the way.)

The way I saw two fathers and one mother treat their kids filled me with anger. And pain. I will not go into details, just because there is no need.

My question is... where this very generalized contempt toward childhood come from, if it 'comes' from 'somewhere'? Is it just my imagination, or people treat kids, even their own offspring, like if they were crap? Has anyone noticed this?

People does not give a fuck about children. In the best of scenarios, they (parents) just neglect them. (If a kid claims for the attention he NEEDS, he is seen as a terrible nuisance; then, he is asked to shut up... That kind of stuff.) In an also very common scenario, they (parents and other people) do not even consider them 'persons' (or just 'little persons')... individuals property of NOBODY (not even in the womb!), with feelings, aspirations, needs. Not at all. They think they have the right to do with them just whatever they want; to humiliate them in countless manners; to scornfully mock their very dreams, beliefs, concerns; to lie to them in the face. This is, unfortunately, very frequent. It seems a weird way to 'love' someone. (This is not seen, curiously, as abuse. As long as you do not touch 'down there', EVERYTHING is fine.)

I am sorry, but I cannot consider most people capable of giving a kid what he really needs; love in the 'proper' way. Therefore, I do not consider that most people actually 'love' children; their insane sense of property over them wholly tarnishes and stains 'everything else'. It is a deeply 'poisoned' love; nothing similar to ours, I (want to) think. (This contrast is easily seen by the kid when he encounters someone like us. Suddenly, he stumbles onto a heartwarming reality, hitherto unknown to him: it is possible to find actual understanding and truth, among other things, in adults.) Sometimes, I do consider the will of some parents to 'protect' their kids from 'filthy pedophiles' very laughable. Very often, when I hear "don't you dare to put a hand on MY child", I hear nothing but "don't you dare to put a foot on MY property; otherwise, I will senselessly shoot". Ridiculous. And truly pernicious.


(Excuse me for the possible grammatical mistakes, not a native speaker.)

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