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A little from column A and a little from column B

Posted by Etenne on 2024-September-13 15:15:06, Friday
In reply to Just discussed today with someone from... posted by French Frog on 2024-September-13 13:56:03, Friday

"So, what does it mean? Is sexual abuse not reported, or just not real? It makes one wonder about the figures we are told about 1 out of 5 kids having been abused, or whatever the current ratio them fearmongers like to spread in mass media..."

Abuse is defined as "any sexual contact below the age of majority." By that definition, many if not most kids will be molested before they are 18. Most of them are active participants in their abuse and don't report anything unless they are caught in the act by someone who reports them or are manipulated into confessing by unscrupulous adults.

There is certainly real abuse in this world and even real sexual abuse even if the majority of abuse is non-sexual in nature and perpetrated by Non-boylovers (AKA heterosexuals). Even for the most violent, disturbed and atypical BLs, there is nothing that even compares in magnitude and shear horror to what non-BLs do to children esp. boys. You just have to read the News daily to know that.

The fearmongers do have the upper hand though. They have control of the media and the "Big Lie" works.

International Boylove Day

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