well, is not actually a GUN per say, as a child, i always wanted a pellet-gun, but as we were always strap for money, i never got one, well, few months ago i bought me a powerful MENDOZA air rifle (my older sister wasn't happy about it, she worries too much about her baby bro). well, besides my cool rifle, few days ago i got a very cool rifle scope via Mercado Libre (50mm illuminated red and green reticula rifle scope), but i hadn't time to calibrate it to my rifle, as I'm addicted to read BoyChat I'm often outside of my patio shooting it to different targets, and nowadays, my toy looks so much cooler with that huge scope mounted on it, well, my patio is next to the public street of our townhome, and i keep the fence open so i can double check for incoming people and be sure before i shoot the gun (yes, I'm that responsible to check that no one will be hurt by accident). I heard 3 kids coming my way and when they saw me, they were lollygagging for the gun, and waiting for me to take the first shot, i told them that i was just calibrating the thing but they wanted to see it work, so, i gladly obliged and then i asked them if they wanted to shoot it, the youngest Mexican kid was all anxious and giddy, the other two older kids were too, but they tried to hide it, an educated guess if i say that they seemed like 9 11 and 13, the middle and younger kid were cuter than the older one, so each one took turns, and the younger one was struggling to keep the gun at eye level, they were happy of the opportunity as i guess only a true BLr, would take the time to entertain (and lure into their patio) a group of young ones... i was thinking, oh my God, what my parole officer would say if knew about this, Good thing that i don't live in the U.S of A anymore, and i can breathe the freedom of my country, and be able to have this short Boy Moments that make my life happier. I'm sure the boys think of me now as some kind of weird, but cool kind of dude. OSP ![]() |