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About 10% accurate

Posted by mark194 on 2024-September-8 13:35:09, Sunday
In reply to Are you using Linux on your computer? posted by DirkDerp on 2024-September-8 12:44:30, Sunday

Windows is incredibly insecure.

Nope. Windows is actually pretty secure. It has pretty good antivirus software built in, offers drive encryption, isn't known for having very many exploits and the like, and so on. However, Windows isn't safe to use for BL-related activities, illegal ones in particular, because of the telemetry data Microsoft collects from Windows machines.

Many (if not most) Windows users have already been hacked/compromised by hackers...they just haven't realized they gotten hacked yet.

Definitely not most, and probably not even many.

You probably already have a whole bunch of spyware, malware, viruses, etc on your computer if you are using Windows.

No, you don't.

If you browse/surf the Internet with Windows, your computer is (most likely) already infected by a plethora of malware and other nasty viruses.

Again, no.

Windows is only safe to use on a computer if you never connect it to the Internet. The moment you connect it online, LEA/hackers will easily compromise you with malware/spyware.


Using anti-virus and other anti-malware software on Windows is pure futility. It won't protect you whatsoever. Windows is designed to be as insecure, unsafe and easily hackable as possible.

This is completely made-up. Using anti-virus on Windows isn't "futility" at all: in fact, antivirus software, including Windows' built-in antivirus software, is generally good at protecting against malware and spyware.

The idea that "Windows is designed to be as insecure, unsafe, and easily hackable as possible" is also just blatantly false. Why would Microsoft deliberately make it easy to hack the operating system they manufacture and distribute, when they have an enormous financial incentive to do the exact opposite? And I guess all of the security features included in Windows, some of which I listed above, just don't exist?

Using Windows is for n00bz and low-hanging fruit. Skilled computer users would be using Linux instead. For better security and privacy.

I get the sense that you actually just don't know jack shit about computers. If you're talking about downloading and sharing child porn, then yeah, doing that on Windows isn't the best idea (in fact, it would get you sent to jail), but more generally, Windows and Linux both have their use cases. If you want an OS that offers broader compatibility with different types of software, or you're not a super knowledgeable software developer or whatever and just want a safe, secure operating system that is easy and comfortable to use, then Windows is perfectly fine. If you want a more lightweight OS to run on a server computer, or you are some kind of computer programmer and have some other technical reason to use linux, or you actually are doing illegal stuff and don't want to get caught (not that I'm encouraging that or accusing you of doing so), then linux would probably be better.

This is just such a dumb generalization to make. Although, you did make some dumbass troll posts a while back if I remember correctly, so maybe this caliber of posting from you is just par for the course?

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