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'The shirt' as potent totem of anti-pedo violence.

Posted by Scotusbaby on 2024-July-24 00:37:45, Wednesday
In reply to JODY BROUGHT THE SHIRT! (upsetting) posted by Scotusbaby on 2024-July-24 00:03:18, Wednesday

The "Shirt" Donut is referring to, is the mauve-striped shirt Gary Plauche was wearing when he shot Jeff Doucet in the head in cold blood ... and he didn't exactly do hard time for it, either.

If our Activist friends at mEWGOn wanted a concrete, historical symbol for the attitude that's "IT'S OK TO LAY In WAIT FOR PEDOS & SHOOT THEm," they would be hard-pressed to improve on "the shirt."

The shirt isn't soaked in pedo-blood, not literally. Jeff fell, dead, a few feet away. But Donut certainly understands it to be steeped in anti-pedo significance.

Here's the graphic footage, if you must see it.

Every time the cogs allow mEWGOn to post pro-violence rants, unopposed,
we get a little closer to actualizing another cycle of:

PRO-PEDO VIOLEnCE, attacking anti-Pedos vigilantes,
AnTI-PEDO VIGILAnTE VIOLEnCE, attacking pro-Pedos.

As the guy who is out there, vulnerable, in the public eye, I would like to call for a higher level of thoughtfulness from mu, and the BC cogs, on the subJect of violence.

You will see me deploying my Welsh HUD A LLEDRITH (magical power) to this end, as well as mentioning the Old Bit about . .. An EYE FOR A EYE.



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