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Posted by Manstuprator on 2024-July-7 18:51:55, Sunday
In reply to Re: Effective Interrogation Techniques (book) [link] posted by GreyJedi on 2024-July-7 18:31:22, Sunday

"Our Work:
The Innocence Project works to free the innocent, prevent wrongful convictions, and create fair, compassionate, and equitable systems of justice for everyone. Our work is guided by science and grounded in anti-racism.

Restoring Freedom:
We use DNA and other scientific advancements to prove innocence, and we are committed to helping each person we represent rebuild their life post-release.

Transforming Systems:
We work to transform the inequities and failings that lead to wrongful convictions, alongside policymakers, supporters, and partner organizations.

Advancing the Movement:
Together with innocence organizations and advocates around the world, we fight to strengthen the innocence movement.

We've helped free more than 240 innocent people from prison. Support our work to strengthen and advance the innocence movement.

False Confessions:
False confessions occur more than most people think and result from a variety of factors, including the use of coercive and deceptive tactics during an interrogation.

It’s hard to imagine why an innocent person would confess to a crime they didn’t commit, but research shows that false confessions can take place due to law enforcement’s use of intimidation, force, coercive tactics, isolation during interrogations, deceptive methods that include lying about evidence, and more. An innocent person may also falsely confess because of increased stress, mental exhaustion, promises of lenient sentences, or challenges with understanding their constitutional rights. Children, people with intellectual disabilities, and people with language barriers are left particularly vulnerable due to this lack of comprehension.

On average, people who falsely confessed were interrogated for up to 16 hours before admitting to a crime they did not commit (research shows that the reliability of confessions is greatly reduced after a prolonged interrogation). In some cases, they were convicted despite the fact that DNA evidence clearly contradicted their supposed involvement. In these instances, prosecutors conjured theories persuasive enough to convince juries to vote guilty, even though DNA evidence strongly supported innocence.

To prevent false confessions from leading to a wrongful conviction, we are actively advocating for the right to counsel during interrogations and for mandatory recording of all custodial interrogations, the latter of which improves transparency and creates a truthful record of what led up to a confession. We are also working to ban the use of police deception in the interrogation of juveniles, allow false confession experts to testify in court, and convince judges to hold pretrial reliability hearings before a confession is admitted.

Duped: Why Innocent People Confess – and Why We Believe Their Confessions
Saul M. Kassin
July 10, 2023

In 1992, Willie Veasy confessed to a murder, a confession a jury accepted despite a time card showing him to have been at work as a dishwasher 8 miles away. In 2001, Jermel Lewis signed a confession admitting to participating in Philadelphia’s worst mass killing – the seven homicides in what was known as the “Lex Street massacre.” In 2007, Steven Lazar confessed to the killing of Dario Gutierrez.

None was tortured, although the argument could be made regarding Lazar who was held for 30 hours while in methadone withdrawal. Each confession was false.

Three known false confessions across one lawyer’s career. Yet not an uncommon phenomenon, nor one without an explanation grounded in decades of scientific research. The proof? Saul Kassin’s extraordinary new book DUPED – WHY INNOCENT PEOPLE CONFESS, AND WHY WE BELIEVE THEIR CONFESSIONS (Prometheus Books 2022).

Duped: Why Innocent People Confess - And Why We Believe Their Confessions
Saul M. Kassin
Prometheus, 2022


“Why do people confess to crimes they did not commit? And, surely, those cases must be rare? In fact, it happens all the time--in police stations, workplaces, public schools, and the military. Psychologist Saul Kassin, the world's leading expert on false confessions, explains how interrogators trick innocent people into confessing, and then how the criminal justice system deludes us into believing these confessions.

Duped reveals how innocent men, women, and children, intensely stressed and befuddled by lawful weapons of psychological interrogation, are induced into confession, no matter how horrific the crime. By featuring riveting case studies, highly original research, work by the Innocence Project, and quotes from real-life exonerees, Kassin tells the story of how false confessions happen, and how they corrupt forensics, witnesses, and other evidence, force guilty pleas, and follow defendants for their entire lives-- even after they are exonerated by DNA.

Starting in the 1980's, Dr. Kassin pioneered the scientific study of interrogations and confessions. Since then, he has been on the forefront of research and advocacy for those wrongfully convicted by police-induced false confessions. Examining famous cases like the Central Park jogger case and Amanda Knox case, as well as stories of ordinary innocent people trapped into confession, Dr. Kassin exposes just how widespread this problem is. Concluding with actionable solutions and proposals for legislative reform, Duped shows why the stigma of confession persists and how we can reform the criminal justice system to make it stop.”

Need I say more? Don't let yourself be DUPED!


DOWNLOAD Duped: Why Innocent People Confess - And Why We Believe Their Confessions HERE:

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