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Normophobia and Foucault

Posted by Pharmakon on 2024-June-28 13:19:24, Friday
In reply to Revival. posted by Sick Rose on 2024-June-25 13:34:29, Tuesday

I'm sure you saw Sohrab Ahmari's essay at Compact Magazine. He didn't use term "normophobia" (wisely, imho), but he does use "denormalization," writing that, for Foucault:

"The human" was one more empty or nonexistent universal—perhaps the nonexistent universal—fulfilling a highly mobile set of functions for the various institutions that generate and redistribute power by defining humanness. Why, then, should Foucault have felt the slightest indignation at the replacement of the human by the post-human, which he prophesied in the Biopolitics lecture and elsewhere in his work? Indeed, he didn’t. For him, there was nothing tragic about all that is solid melting into air. This was the grim flipside of Foucault’s absolute commitment to denormalization, the high price associated with his critical nominalism.

Not so far from Harrington blaming the failure of the family on Wilhelm Reich, or so it seemed to me. And perhaps flawed for the same reason? Foucault's influence on contemporary thought, unlike Reich's, has been pervasive. But isn't it always risky to assume thought drives social change rather than the reverse? At the very least, this must be a dialectical process.

I don't know why you couldn't access the Lewis essay, but as I mentioned, it isn't particularly strong, so no loss. I read her book Full Surrogacy Now, to which Harrington devotes considerable attention in Feminism Against Progress. I recommend it. I have not read her subsequent book Abolish the Family, which may have appeared too late for Harrington to reference it. Reviews of the latter book suggest it is pretty Reichian. But the earlier book, in its focus on surrogacy, interestingly implicates Harrington's insight that capitalism is unable to provide solutions to social problems outside the limiting context of the marketplace.

A better Lewis essay I have previously cited is available at:

(Also linked below.)

But this one is more about trans, not family.

hugzu ;-p

  • (https site) Lewis, Of Innocence and of Experience (TANK Magazine)
    [@nonymouse] [Guardster] [Proxify] [Anonymisierungsdienst]

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