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It's no secret.....

Posted by Django on 2024-June-28 07:31:31, Friday
In reply to I know everyone is aware but... posted by Chilled Advocate on 2024-June-27 20:49:06, Thursday

As I myself have repeatedly stated....

It's also no secret that my original nick from my first showing up here as a teenager was Rahiim. (and several variations on it....such as 'Hiim's Bellybutton anmd 'Hiim's Big Dog - that one just to show off a pic of my beloved, and now departed, Rottweiler.)

Oh....back when I was young and much more foolish and actually thought I had some skillz in freestylin' and spittin' I posted many of my raps under the handle of Skinny Blue.

(I also had a flame nick, but that old Boeing bomber has lo g been retired to a hangar somewhere......)

Now after this confession I shall go say the requisite ten Hail Marys as proper penance.

Incidentally, nothing I've ever said over the years regarding my somewhat absolutist views of freedom of speech is Etenne's low-amp attempt to foment controversy is rather amusing. However, considering that it comes from such an intellectual lightweight as he - you may give it whatever regard you see fit...

He's a killer and a gunman
and he'll make you bleed,
shoot'cha in the back or in your sleep....
got no name or identity,.....
livin' like the wind he's free!

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