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What's the purpose of boylove?

Posted by Currant BL on 2024-June-24 08:13:25, Monday
In reply to BLs are more 'normal' than adult attracted gays posted by Fragment on 2024-June-24 00:42:57, Monday

Historically, and from what I can tell socially and evolutionarily BLs have a strong normative role. We are there to ensure boys get a proper dose of homosocialization. Especially when talking about hebephiles and pubescent boys. Pederasts teach young teen boys how to be husbands.

This would be like saying that autism (an inborn trait much like BL is an inborn trait) exists to propel society forward because many autists (like Einstein) have been at forefront of various scientific breakthroughs. But this is an illogical supposition when something like 1/3 of all autistic persons are non-verbal and something like 70% of autistics are intellectually disabled (IQ below about 75 or 70).

So to point, autists like Einstein are unicorns, and can't possibly be said to be representative of autism. Neither do the their achievements speak to anything reflective of autism as a whole. If we're truly being honest, their autism leading to progress for humanity can be categorized as a happy accident. I say that respectfully.

Just like a few autists have been crucial to social progress, some individual BLs have indeed played the role you describe. But there is nothing innate about a boylover's sexual attractions to boys that actualizes the reality you are painting. In other words, there are many different BLs and many different relationships that a BL can have with a boy; few of them are a "proper dose of homosocialization" (whatever that even means), less still is there a guarantee that boy-attracted men teach boys how to be good husbands any more so that any good mentor teaches a child how to be a good person as he grows up. Good family and healthy peer relationships invariably lead to better marriages for children. I don't really see how friendships specifically with a boylover necessarily has a particular, special, or distinguishable effect as he become older due to his better emotional maturity as a result.

Again, and just like with autists, there ARE cases where individual boylovers do exactly what you describe. The question to ask ourselves is whether this is such a high probability and undeniable outcome that boylovers can be said to "socially and evolutionarily" fit the criteria you give. The way to formulate that question scientifically is to ask whether a random sampling of boys with no boy-attracted individuals in their lives have a wholly different outcome than a random sampling of boys who do. We would need to carefully correct for socioeconomic and familial factors to get this right because the anecdotal examples of a troubled boy being "saved" and set on the straight and narrow by a caring BL proves nothing; except perhaps that the boy needed a mentor and adult guidance -- one that need not have been a BL.

In sum, this tired argument about the utility of BL holds no water and is scientifically and logically suspect. That is, it's a backwards argument which seeks to finds utility because it wants to find it, rather than basing conclusions on evidence.

What is BL for? I can't claim to know that but neither can you or those who take the stand that you do. What has BL meant in the lives of boylovers themselves? In my many years of meeting and talking to those like us it has meant many different and often contradictory things depending on the person. A large swath of boylovers even in better times for us (before the witch hunt) had few or no boys in their lives in any meaningful way. This alone disproves any "purpose" with which you wish to saddle boylovers.

The only thing we have all have in common is a sexual attraction to boys! With even the manner and degree of emotional connection with boys varying from BL to BL with some taking an almost maternal nanny like approach and others being more aloof baseball coach types. Not even getting into the BL vs TBL distinction.

What has BL meant for me and the boys in my life? Also many things, but they have been highly individual to my specific personality and my specific role in any given boys life.

So what's the purpose of boylove? It's not a "normative role" or "to ensure boys get a proper dose of homosocialization" or" teach young teen boys how to be husbands". That's nonsense. The purpose of boylove is whatever I as an individual direct my particular and unique personality and interests towards.

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