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Exactly - that proves my point

Posted by mark194 on 2024-June-22 17:38:47, Saturday
In reply to Who is consulting us? posted by JohnHolt on 2024-June-18 19:37:07, Tuesday

However neoliberal hagiographers might embellish the narrative of the plucky radical in their retellings of previous struggles, no one is actively listening to you. No one wants to listen to the bogeyman.

If anything, this further proves my point. Why worry about making your position appealing to normies if they aren't listening to you anyway? Why not just express whatever position you genuinely believe?

but not to shit on your peoples' legacy by self-reporting as a deranged screamer who makes demands that can only be accepted after many intermediate stages have passed.

I don't think this is a fair characterization of what I'm doing. Also, I'd agree that lots of intermediate changes/steps would need to happen before the change I'm suggesting would be able to happen, but I don't find this to be a compelling reason to water down my position. If normal people read BoyChat and Newgon, and the stuff I write here actually had the chance to directly change people's minds about this topic, then maybe I'd disingenuously advocate for something more moderate, but, as you so succinctly put it, no one is actively listening to you.

If you and BLueRibbon were to say "Ok guys, we know this 'pro-reform' position is actually a spineless, no-balls position to hold and that the system it advocates actually wouldn't be as good for children as a more radical one. But, since normal people would be more receptive to this position than a more radical one, and since advocating for this system could ultimately lead to a more radical one being implemented, let's all lie and say we believe in this position, when in reality this will just be a ploy to ultimately get a more radical position implemented", I would be receptive to that argument, but you guys are presenting this proposal as if you genuinely believe it, which is kind of lame and gay.

Please feel free to point out anything I'm missing here or that I'm wrong about.

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