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Time to forget principles

Posted by BLueRibbon on 2024-June-18 10:23:07, Tuesday
In reply to Limp dicked bet hedging posted by mark194 on 2024-June-18 02:42:11, Tuesday

Arguing from extreme and unpopular moral principles will fail now just as it did in the days of PIE and NAMbLA. I'm done with being outraged and principled about MAP issues; I'd simply like to see a better world for MAPs. We won't achieve anything by advocating the decriminalization of sex with 5 year olds, which is how attempts to abolish the AoC will be portrayed.

"either sex with adults is so inherently dangerous and harmful that it should be unilaterally outlawed for children under 12, or it's beneficial and safe enough that 12 year olds should be allowed to do it. Holding both of these positions at the same time isn't just stupid"

The proposal essentially differentiates between children and adolescents. It is not illogical to suggest that there are significant differences between these two groups of minors, and to draw a line there. That doesn't mean I think consensual sex between a man and his 11 year old SYF is wrong. I just don't think it's smart to push for an AoC below 12.

Where I live, parents are moderately protective of their children, but tend to let adolescents as young as 12 or 13 roam quite freely. A few years ago, when I had a lot of YFs, I would have boys that age calling late at night asking to sleep over, despite me consistently enforcing a rule of no sleepovers unless you confirm at a reasonable time. They'd just sort of roam the streets until after midnight, and they were not kids from trashy families.

If 12 is considered an age for increased independence and decision-making, and within the AoA of most MAPs, it's a good age to propose as the AoC. Your principled approach will be laughed at by everyone outside the MAP community.

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