You're assessment is dead on. The narrative as it's stands gives great power, power to shame, humiliate, punish and "grow the brand". Boys (the underclass) that have no business being sexual, or intimate (especially with anyone younger or older) until they reach 18yo... and then they better be very, very careful! What is fascinating is the "enforcement" and "budgets" that pay for all this, as destructive and incomprehensible as it is this narratives grows. Grows along side a debt that is beyond ludicrous, the entire Western culture and it's "modern ways" continues to exists on confetti money. How long will this monetary system, (i.e. distortion) last? Could there be a severe backlash coming soon? Where true abuse, incomprehensible violence, and poverty for women will be the new reality? Were fluffy academics that pay themselves lavish lifestyles, and pedagogical awards of outstanding achievements becomes a kind of treason? Interesting times. |