I've taught a few Young Friends how to make a "fountain" pen out of the quill of a feather... https://www.thepencompany.com/blog/art-crafts/how-to-make-a-quill-pen/ ... just like the quill pens used by all those long-haired guys when they signed that Independence thingy hundreds of years ago. The boys have all seen those pictures in school. Of course, to make it more interesting, you could teach them how to write messages in invisible ink... https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-e&q=how+to+make+invisible+ink%3F ... but I teach boys how to use just lemon juice... https://www.kiwico.com/diy/stem/quick-easy-experiments/invisible-ink-with-lemon-juice ... because it's so quick and easy to do that way. Anyway, it seems to interest boys. At least, some of the boys that I have known. Why not give it a try? M. I don't know what the hell George Washington was thinking when he made his invisible ink! |