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Re: You don't sound very curious

Posted by mark194 on 2024-March-14 11:04:13, Thursday
In reply to You don't sound very curious posted by Tyred on 2024-March-13 13:27:56, Wednesday

Sounds like you have your mind fully made up and you're not the least bit curious to know the answer to the "question" you posed

Actually, no: I have no idea why you think having a sexual relationship with children is mutually exclusive with treating them "with love and respect for their human rights", and I'd be super interested to hear your answer! It's disappointing that you won't even engage with a simple question, but, given your history of dishonest trolling behavior, not surprising.

preferring to hijack threads to shoehorn the same ol criticisms in that you have made many times before

Replying to a post to ask about something you mentioned in that post is not thread hijacking. I only brought up the "same ol criticisms in that [I] have made many times before" (criticisms which you have never addressed, by the way) when you accused me, falsely, of bullying and harassment. If I had replied to your original post criticizing you for separate instances of your dishonesty, evasiveness, encouraging dangerous behavior, or other trolling, you could perhaps argue that that would constitute thread hijacking, but you opened the door to criticism of this behavior when you falsely accused me of "bullying and harassment" towards you.

When you follow a poster around making the same comments, regardless of the topic of the thread, that's thread hijacking

Sure, probably. As I've explained, though, that isn't what I'm doing.

you are being a troll

Pot, kettle, black

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