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The true culprits

Posted by The King of Zembla on 2024-March-13 17:43:28, Wednesday
In reply to Gentrification via infantilization and erotophobia posted by Errant on 2024-March-12 08:07:11, Tuesday

From another of your posts:
I don't pretend that there is any strategy available to us to create an alliance with feminists. But calling out feminism as the enemy would still be misguided. If there are *any* potential allies out there available to us, how should they interpret a bunch of old fogies bitching about "feminism"? I don't say that because it makes us look politically incorrect, but because it just makes us look ignorant and even other BLs are turned off by it (and not just the "woke" ones).
In this post your argument is
  1. potential allies won't like us bashing feminism, and
  2. other BLs are turned off by it.
Nowhere do you claim that criticism of feminism is false.

You just don't like how it looks.

Now you even admit MAP politics is "a dead end". You like my ideas, but you don't like how they look.

The broad infantilization of society which identitarian and grievance politics represent is a much larger trend in society than feminism ever was and feminism itself has succumbed to it transforming from women's lib to women's protectionism. Infantilization and erotophobia are the true culprits here.

Even if you were correct in your diagnosis, it is feminism that has honed the problems into grand weapons of state. Three points on this.
  1. Pretending they are innocents just led astray like damsels in distress, "succumbing" to the powerful draw of "culprits", like rowdy lovers in a pulp romance, is--to my way of thinking--denying feminists their agency. Feminists should take responsibility for their praxis, whatever its origin.
  2. In addition to this, if you accept that feminism is an exponent of these bad ideas, then critiquing feminism is a pathway to discover how those problem ideas operate. It's not a distraction away from the real problems, as you seem to suggest.
Since you are such an expert on what the real problem is, and since you have diagnosed it so clearly and definitively, you must have written a post where you explain the problem in detail and its relevance to the boylove condition.

Please provide a link to this post.

From his Throne,
The King of Zembla

The King of Zembla

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