"And we need to recognise that the West has dissidents. In China, dissidents are executed; in Russia they undergo quasi-judicial procedures and then have mysterious accidents and illnesses which prove fatal. In the West, we do not pursue such crude methods. With the help of the feminists, we've found something much more effective. We discredit dissidents, by digging up some sexual relationship from the person's past that the person's sexual partner is willing to portray as an assault. And the mainstream media always get behind these campaigns." I'd disagree about the West pursuing such methods. The whistleblower for Boeing, John Barnett, just died. There were assassination plots on Assange. As for the mysterious deaths in Russia, at least in Navalny's case, I find it way more likely that MI6 is responsible for his illness/poisoning (actually none of the poisoning cases that are blamed on Russia make sense, I'm 100% all the Novichok cases are linked to British intelligence services). Though I wouldn't rule out there being assassinations and such in Russia, I just think all the publicized cases are done by the West and the actual ones are ones that you don't hear about because the targets aren't the subject of media frenzy. |