Pharmakon, This is an excellent post and your grasp of the material and Mike Bailey's other work is obvious. And good catch on our mention of his recent commentary in our paper. The issues Bailey has raised are going to be important as this area of MAP research continues to develop. Here are a few additions and thoughts You write: "In his Archives commentary, Bailey critiques the "minority stress model," which he explains "proposes that in nonheterosexual men and women, early experiences of rejection are associated with increases in RS [Rejection Sensitivity], and this confers increased susceptibility to both experiences of stigmatization and the negative mental health consequences of such stigmatization." He notes that the association of nonheterosexuality and mental health issues does not prove the stigma associated with the former caused the latter. Causality, he observes, could run in the opposite direction. In other words, sexually marginalized populations might not be having mental issues because people reject them. Instead, the mental issues might be causing both the sexual misbehavior and the rejection. After all, nobody wants to hang out with a crazy person, right?" In describing the "alternative hypothesis" he thinks should be considered before the stress model train is allowed to leave the station, Bailey, rather oddly, does not cite any published research. Instead, he quotes a "personal communication" from one of the co-authors of a study that merely observed that in the minority stress model "direction of effect cannot be conclusively determined (i.e., whether prejudice and discrimination lead to a greater likelihood of developing mental health problems, or whether mental health problems lead to a greater likelihood of experiencing — or perceiving — prejudice and discrimination)."" Good points, up until "In other words", when you lose the thread somewhat. What Bailey is doing here is doing what skeptics and empiricists do: identifying plausible third variables that can explain individual variation. He has provided a meaningful critique of the minority-stress model, a model which has developed to such a point where we need to start establishing and looking for causal agents. A good scientist thinks up what causal agents might be responsible for variation on the phenomenon under investigation. To be more clear about this, one lingering question as it related to minority stress is this: Why do some sexual minorities experience mental health issues and others don't? There are a series of plausible explanations for this variation in individual experience. Some sexual minorities have strong and positive support systems; some live places where they face less actual stigma, prejudice, and discrimination; and some may have dispositions/temperaments/whatever similar concept one wants to use here that make them vulnerable to noticing stigma and experiencing it as especially aversive. Depending on one's politics or advocacy aims, one will want to promote one/two of these explanations over the other(s). I think all three are plausible explanations and we likely need all three (and possibly others I am not aware of/we have not identified) in order to understand how stigma-related stress "gets under the skin" and affects people's mental health. I find Bailey's commentary compelling not because I think he is right or that his is the best explanation or that his is the only explanation. I find it compelling because he has elaborated a set of causal explanations that are not given much consideration in the literature and that his third variable hypothesis may help us more fully answer the question "why do some sexual minority members experience mental health issues while others don't?" Whether this hypothesis offered by Bailey works out is an empirical question and one that seems worthwhile to examine. The argument that his offering these explanations is pathologizing is, I think, rhetorical rather than substantive. He is a scientist doing his work (elaborating, clarifying, and critiquing scientific models) and not an advocate trying to argue for a particular position. There is an inevitable tension between scientists and advocates when scientists do what they do because scientists try to more fully understand a phenomena, which will inevitably lead them to run afoul the narratives supported by advocates. Especially in the science of sex. Please do note that this is not a critique of advocacy per se, merely to say that advocacy and empiricists will be at odds at different times and aligned at different times and both sides are faced with this tension and the difficult task of navigating towards a better future. i. |