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being and performance

Posted by LaudateAgno on 2021-March-30 20:48:25, Tuesday
In reply to Re: Wynn posted by Pharmakon on 2021-March-30 15:55:32, Tuesday

If you believe, as you said before, that life is not too short for metaphysics, then what you have kindly linked me to here will be read as profoundly metaphysical, as is manifest quite precisely at 27:33, where Wynn describes an "intellectual" conflict (the "metaphysics" of gender) as being a ruse for "what it really is" (she stresses the word "really") – namely a "political" conflict. Which tells us her metaphysics is going full guns and is entirely reduced by the concept of power.

And isn't that fucking boring by now? Isn't it transparent what power games are being played by those who want to reduce everything to power games?

We have to get beyond any idea that the right-hand side of the screen at 27:33 is somehow more enlightened or liberated than the left-hand side.

Gotta give her credit for a splendid performance here, though. 29:17: "How do I know I'm a woman? Look at me!" Brilliant.

Yet this is exactly what Baudrillard was saying in what I quoted:
Everyone seeks their look. Since it is no longer possible to base any claim on one's own existence, there is nothing for it but to perform an appearing act without concerning one's self with being - or even with being seen. So it is not: I exist, I am here! but rather: I am visible, I am an image - look! look! This is not even narcissism, merely an extraversion without depth...

And this is pathetic.

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