Seeing the rapid decline of the culture and political structure of my home country has been depressing these last few years. In fact much of what's gone on in the world since someone I cared for a great deal decided to no longer live on this earth a few years ago has been distressing, chaotic and hateful. These times have been revealing too, seeing how much fascism, enthusiastic racism, jingoistic nationalism and xenophobia the average person is willing to not only tolerate, but agree with and even defend. But for all this I have to rank your regression into...whatever this post and the last one of yours I responded to on this subject is. It's some sort of mix of righteous ignorance and a stubborn old guy refusal to take in and honestly evaluate new information and changing trends. Things change. You know how I feel and have felt about you and it pains me to call you out like this, but I must. You're being a bigot, and more than that, you're being as judgmental as we accuse the forces trying to oppress us of being. It's a sad state of affairs. The saddest part is I doubt you see that you're even doing this. Look: whether you're prepared to acknowledge this or not, society has likely ALWAYS had people who felt like they were born as the "wrong" gender. Yes, it's silly and vapid that liberal media culture signal boosts its importance and tacitly inflates the numbers of people who truly and legitimately feel this way, but that doesn't mean it's not a thing, nor does it preclude the likelihood that it's always been with us, just beneath the surface. Is it possible a few outliers are "tricked" into feeling this way by a culture that distorts how common such a feeling is? Maybe, but the burden would be on you to prove such a claim. I think it's more likely that it's seen as more acceptable for people to be who they feel they truly are, so that's what they're doing, but I wouldn't hazard a specific guess. That's just my read on it. But here's the more important thing: I think you, and Steve-D as well, are conflating sexuality with gender identity. I don't pretend to be an academic on this subject, but implying that people who lack one of the "more common" sexual attractions instead change their gender just so they can fit in, somewhere, I guess? That's absurd on its face. It has been said over and over by trans folks: sexuality and sexual attraction is not linked to the gender identity issue, at all. Implying as you have here that there's a direct connection between the two is simply not true, and I challenge you to back up that assertion with hard evidence. Honestly, that might be the source of the confusion you mentioned in your post. Look, I can't pretend to understand being a boy of 11 who feels with all their heart they should instead be a girl, mostly because that never happened to me. But true tolerance, true inclusivity, and true freedom, means that if he wants to instead be a she and be addressed as such, how does it inconvenience me (or you) to do so? My pervy side laments that a boy has become a girl but that's not really his/her problem, is it? Is being sensitive and training oneself to be aware of these things being more commonly visible, and changing pronouns out of respect for others, really such an imposition? Yeah, as I said before, people who get militant about it is a problem but you can find people like this around any social issue. That's more of a "some people are just jerks" problem, right? Why is this something to be blamed on the trans person who never chose to feel how they feel, just as we never chose to feel how we feel? This to me is like blaming all of us for every child who has ever been kidnapped and raped, only admittedly less extreme. Sit back and listen more, I think. You're trying to twist this issue around some really out of date viewpoints and I hate to say this, but you sound as if time has passed you by. I know this world is confusing but honestly? I don't feel in any way threatened by trans people being out and proud. We have way bigger cultural fish to fry. My advice? Tilt at more worthy windmills. C |