Is it healthy for young children to be encouraged to question the obvious gender choice that nature has already made? Then, if given a choice, how many times are you allowed to change your mind? I could see where a young child might today choose to be a male, but tomorrow choose to be a female, then the next day, they might want to be a male again. Another question, how much of this is political? Man hating feminists brainwashing male children that being an evil male is the most deplorable thing in the world they can be? Naturally on a personal level, I resent that the gay rights leaders have thrown Boylovers under the bus, while embracing the "T" community, a community where I have no dog in the hunt. The gay rights leaders, if they truly want to be inclusive, should be fighting for the sexual liberation of all people, including boys and their lovers. Why are they siding with bigots on the Boylove issue? |