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It's supplementary.

Posted by gilescorey on 2013-June-6 12:10:08, Thursday
In reply to like the 120,000 vacant usenet groups posted by Puer Aeternus on 2013-June-6 11:10:33, Thursday

The community has already been formed - right here. It is a full time forum ready to be used by this community for whatever (legal) purpose posters decide to use it for. If the demand ends up being technical in nature, all it takes is a few clicks to create a tech subforum there. If posters decide that an activism board could be useful then that can be done too. If posters decide to only log in when seeking information about during down times, then it will smartly fulfill that purpose. If posters decide it is not needed, then it will remain vacant, but I have already processed five registration requests so far from posters who saw enough value in it to take the necessary steps.

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