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*Troll Buffer* with Billy Gilman link .. Sheesh NN

Posted by LwT on 2012-July-30 01:45:20, Monday
In reply to This ''puts the lie'' to what the antis claim posted by martirwithacause on 2012-July-29 21:46:23, Sunday

How you can believe this kind of post to be of any use?

As I have said B4 your behavior would get most ppl Banned.

Period .. Banned .. Keep proving Marti correct.
How much rope do ya think u deserve?

Keep on running ur mouth talking shit.
See what happens .. ever heard of Karma?

*sarcasm*Such a Joy reading your insightful posts.*/sarcasm*

Maybe U should spew ur Anger elsewhere?

Just a thought

*Get over yourself*

& a Question

Have you considered that your actions
Are as every bit as Harmful as you claim Marti's to be?
Even more so .. when combined w/ ur buddies enthusiastic involvement

LOL What a way to show the world .. the type of ppl BLs R .. Monsters

Eating our own kind .. be Hateful .. Rude .. Vicious .. Warriors .. Oops
Sorry .. I would have sworn I shutoff me sarcasm .. (me bad)

My advice .. listen to theses 2 Boys

Enjoy = 7yo Oleg .. "Smile"
Life = (Billy Gilman linked YT
"I am Shades of Life")

Hate on me if ya wanna

Peace/Love @ ya
Peace, Love and Happiness.........always

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