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From someone who avoided jail by an inch

Posted by Vallhund on 2012-June-24 19:08:19, Sunday
In reply to Questions for those who've been to jail posted by someonenew on 2012-June-24 10:14:11, Sunday

Although innocent of any crime, I avoided jail by an inch due to a set up but I did not avoid police harassment and threats until they finally allowed me to go due to lack of evidence. The case remains open as nobody else was arrested I believe.

I could answer question 3 then:

3. What advice would you give to BL's who have not been to jail or been in trouble as far as avoiding jail or getting into trouble?

A: Use you common sense, do not get overconfident and do not believe that just because you have done nothing illegal they can not arrest you. If you are a BL they can arrest you anytime they like, anything can be done in order to "protect children" and once you are arrested on suspicion of A they will check X,Y and Z, not the original case but they will try to pile up charges anyway.

When the police starts threatening you after a rough arrest at 6am in the morning you are not likely to remember the advice of "never talk to the cops", that is what saved me from a wrongful conviction, I did not allowed the good/bad cop twisted game to set me up, I kept my mouth shut in the interview room and asked for a solicitor to be present as it was my right.

My advice is that tou should watch the video below, it has already been posted here before, not enough times IMHO. Learn everything said on that video by Officer George Bruch and give the link to all your BL friends.

Carve the video in your brain, watch it 200 times if necessary until you really get it, getting arrested is very disconcerting, there will be no time to think, your brain will be on autopilot, you will be fearful and confused, you need to know what to do by instinct.

And having said that, never break the law of course, my advice is given to avoid set ups from prejudiced and corrupt cops, yes they exist.

Don't Talk to Cops, Part 2


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