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Found a very nice site...

Posted by martirwithacause on 2012-April-15 16:43:07, Sunday

[NOTE: Excuse me - if you already know about the campaign of harassment against me by a handful of posters here - but under 15 or so different nicks, then I apologize. Just scroll down to where it says in red, "The site is..." to find the link. And sorry about the rest...]

Hmm... ran across this very nice site quite a while ago. Actually, I've run across many others, too, over the past few months. But, well, you know, I'm restricted to only a few posts a day... Why? Because I am such a terrible threat and danger to BC? Because I'm an anti? Because I'm a woman? Because I'm an LEO? Because I'm a liar?


Because I "posted too much". So say the "gang of harassers" who have blackened my name here at BC, falsely accusing me of all the above things.

See, I used to post lots of post like this post. And other posts, too - all, of course, in favor of BL. Or telling of my personal experiences with boys. Or my thoughts and feelings on life. On being a boylover. About my former YFs. Or my comments on others posts. Or my humorous (hey, I try, OK?) remarks...

Seems I "annoyed" a handful of other posters here (the ringleaders being jonasBark - pissed off that he couldn't win a debate on copyright, Newport News - he's plain insane! - and recently threatenened to destroy BC, and Prometheus - a very smart, but very disturbed, guy...) And now we have a new "registered nick" - Satan - attacking me (and repeating the lies told by the others). Wonder who he REALLY is? I'll bet he's "a fine person" who is a "well-liked, well-respected, long-time poster" here. And a coward, for not posting under his regular nick, and letting us know that he actually is a vicious troll...


Oh, sorry.

The site is:

It's worth a look...

The site depends on BLs contributing, and their YFs, too...

Why not write something up, and send it in to the site?

It's all about changing minds. One mind at a time. -- martirwithacause

[Oops! Just checked, and this site was listed in in 2007.

My bad.

I guess it's just "content lifted from all over the net [including lots of stuff from BoyLinks, which a lot of us already know about]" - as a harasser recently stated about my posts.

So maybe I shouldn't post it? But it might be new to many here...

Or maybe this is just another example of the "merciless barrage of crap" that the harasser says I post...

If the harassers weren't allowed to get away with what they do, this post would have been only one sentence long. Just the link. Ah, but now it is MY fault this post is so long, right? I should just roll over and play dead. Let the harassers destroy my good name here. Right?


  • (http site) You are your story.
    [@nonymouse] [Guardster] [Proxify] [Anonymisierungsdienst]

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