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I think you're reading too much into it

Posted by Prometheus on 2011-November-19 20:21:30, Saturday
In reply to What's your deal? posted by Connor on 2011-November-19 10:19:13, Saturday

If he were being paid to do this, he would have been fired for incompetence long ago. He's just a whack job.

Like almost everything with mwac, this is all about him. He's grumbling because his post got cogged for breaking the rules. I know for a fact that it did break the rules unambiguously, because it was available in its original form on the slime board for a couple of days before anyone noticed, probably because very few people bother to read his posts anymore. See my explanation further down in this thread. He whined about it on MBC, but didn't get enough attention, so now he's making a spectacle of himself over here.

Well, he did succeed in getting more attention this time, but most people missed his point because they weren't familiar with the context (MBC is the exclusive domain of drama queens and masochists), and those who did get it dismissed it as a crock of shit.

- Prometheus, definitely a masochist


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