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I agree, Connor, Seb's, Happy Pedo and Middy's

Posted by Justin's Dildo on 2011-November-19 13:40:56, Saturday
In reply to Please, they would've found someone who posted by .... on 2011-November-19 13:04:52, Saturday

conception of Martir maybe wrong.

Someone (might have been THP) once queried whether Martir was either a LEO (or a sub-contracted PJ member) being paid to do this job, or someone who had no life whatsover. Both are plausible theories, as both scenarios would involve a person slaving for hours at a computer, contributing to a unappealing environment (particularly emotional environment) that would repel those seeking support and perhaps a place to express themselves truly.

Except for one thing.

Someone who was chosen to be paid would have been chosen more carefully to be covert. I'm pretty sure he is either a retired old crank BL or if not in his senior years, then he is somewhat disabled, and confined to his little 10 inch netbook in his room for hours on end.

But given what amounts to each scenario, it is ever more reason to remain rationally paranoid, stick to learning a tiny bit of computer security techniques and being e-street smart, day by day. Make security part of your life, like brushing your teeth.

This is perhaps the main reason I was a little worried about Seb earlier this year. I saw indications of him getting closer to Martir behind the scenes, and I was scared that he may be letting his security down. An important rule is to never make friends with people who are incapable of receiving criticism.

But it seems Seb was being secure after all. And hey, like he said, we got a sweet index out of the deal.

This whole series of events only serves as an example for younger guys like myself, Seb, and Connor. Take for example someone like Middy, Promethius, Evil Cat (although I imagine he's a bit younger judging from his toilet legs), andrew_BL, Newport News, Enochian, Newshound and Parsifal. Each of these people have indicated interests that would clearly place them decades older than us.

In contrast to Martir, not only have they maintained a rational mind set, but they clearly show their maturity.


Yes, it's sucking up, but that's how I feel, especially when someone like Connor pops his head up out of nowhere.

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