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No you dummy.

Posted by Seb on 2011-October-20 11:28:05, Thursday
In reply to Wouldn't he also have to wipe all the free-space posted by martirwithacause on 2011-October-20 10:21:22, Thursday

I don't even *use* Truecrypt and I know that when you use it to encrypt a drive, it fills the entire device with random data as part of the format process, effectively wiping it. Then you reinstall the OS (a fresh, clean OS--no cache, no used paging file, etc. to worry about) and a hidden one if desired. So without even knowing it, you're advocating to wipe it twice, which is overkill and a waste of time for modern hard drives--time that could be spent getting his sensitive data encrypted rather than sitting there unnecessarily wiping Gigabytes of data. Are you trying to stall his progress so he gets in trouble?

And here you are pretending to be some security expert "Use Truecrypt! Use Tor!" But you're oblivious to how they work. What a joke and a fraud you are.

Note to newbies: DO NOT listen to martirwithacause for security advice! He doesn't have the first clue as to what he's talking about!] Posted by martirwithacause martirwithacausesticky

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