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I know...

Posted by Cluffy on 2011-September-19 10:11:27, Monday
In reply to They were all laughing and having a ball! posted by martirwithacause on 2011-September-18 22:07:55, Sunday

Ridiculously unfair when you think about it. Suggest publicly that sex with kids can be fun and pleasurable for them and you have one of two options: Admit to seeing the evidence (CP) and get arrested, or be forced into tacit admission that you have no proof.

But surely a number of professionals in the field have seen the P101s and other vids for what they really are, so have they become the equivalent of the Latin bible in medieval times? Only we privileged few can see it, but don't worry, we'll tell you truthfully what's in them... honest! Now hurry up and build us a church for free. God will cure your sins which we made up if you do...

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