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Re: You'd think that they could, but is there...

Posted by Markaba on 2011-September-12 23:51:09, Monday
In reply to Re: You'd think that they could, but is there... posted by martirwithacause on 2011-September-12 23:18:58, Monday

RE: Not getting them hot.
Look, I just got cogged real hard. Listen. It's *not* bullshit. OK?

How do you know your friend wasn't lying? See, it could be bullshit. And the hard evidence does not back you up.

RE: "boys who are not ready".
Ditto on me getting cogged. Rare. Very rare. Very very rare. Very very very rare. OK?

Yeah, yeah, you just got cogged, yadda yadda. The point is, you're basing your entire assessment on the experiences (which you did not personally witness) of one person. I'm not a master logician but even I can see the huge hole in that argument.

Girls love touching and being touched. Just as much as boys do. BUT - I don't think the urge to "have an orgasm" is as strong in females. Look at the percentages of women reporting having sex without orgasm. And the ones who report *never* having orgasmed. Just a coincidence?

Now that's a nice bit of legerdemain, isn't it? Having less of an urge. to achieve orgasm has squat to do with one's ability to achieve it physiologically. And by the way, I don't consider the powerful urge to achieve orgasm as a selling point for why boys are better than girls. They also tend to be more shallow and develop fewer long-term connections, which I'd think would be anathema to boy LOVERS (as opposed to simply boy FUCKERS.) Or is that a stereotype? Ah, stereotypes are a double-edged sword, aren't they? In my experience females like to connect to people before they can relax enough to be open to sexual experiences, and call me old-fashioned but I'm kinda the same way.

Girls love touching and being touched. Just as much as boys do. BUT - I don't think the urge to "have an orgasm" is as strong in females. Look at the percentages of women reporting having sex without orgasm. And the ones who report *never* having orgasmed. Just a coincidence?

The problem here is simple: men are generally the fuckers rather than the fuckees, and they go until they reach orgasm and don't always consider the female's needs. Often they don't even ask. Males tend to reach orgasm faster than females--that's a given (but again not necessarily a selling point--in my experience the best orgasms I've ever whilst masturbating had were achieved when I took my time rather than just beat it quick and nonstop until I popped off. Quality is better than quantity. I can't imagine it would be much different if I experienced the orgasm with another person.

One horny man can service many many receptive women, and continue the species. The woman doesn't have to be horny at all, really. Males can physically dominate females. (I don't approve of the human male doing that.) Women are genetically programed to want children. That is enough for them to be receptive to intercourse. They don't have to have an overpowering urge to be fucked. If they let the males do it, they get pregnant. As long as the male has a strong enough desire to do it.

The point you're missing here is that we are not reducible to simple animal needs. If we were then pedos, gays and every specialized sexual preference wouldn't exist--one vessel would be as good as another. But see, there's this thing called the human brain and it kinda complicates things. Females are not simply breed animals who want babies, and males are not just sex-crazed maniacs with an urge to spread their seed far and wide. Furthermore, you may not realize this but the penis and the clitoris grow out of the same proto-sex organ. They essentially contain the same nerve endings and erogenous receptors. The point being . . . yes, girls and women have needs too; it's just that their needs tend to be intricately tied up with their emotional needs as well. If I were to hazard a guess based on the same biased ideas as yours, I would say that, in a way, that makes them more advanced than males, because they're better at relationships: you know, the basic building blocks of society? Males are better at what? Killing each other? But I won't hazard such a guess, because I think males and females both have their selling points.

Your (girl-loving) friend,

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