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No problem. But, I was wondering...

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-August-13 07:51:59, Saturday
In reply to Ping martinwithacause posted by In-the-know on 2011-August-12 23:24:10, Friday

... when you say here, "go off half-cocked"?

In future, when you post, I would really appreciate it if you could please indicate that a particular post of yours should not - at that point - be considered a valid post, and that you do not expect others to think about, research, or respond to it.

It would save me (and perhaps others) much time.



P.S. Yes, he was a real boylover, by any and all definitions (though he accepted money to introduce his YF's to a least one other BL AND his YF's appeared perfectly happy with all the arrangements and cooperated 100% willingly, without any apparent duress involved. They knew what they were doing, and wanted the money. Blow-jobs for cash was an acceptable deal for them).

Whether he was also a jerk can be debated. You may not have needed to "research" this, having known the man. How could you have missed it?

Hmm... I think you should do some research before making serious charges.

But, judging from this post, I'm sure you will not. And I have just wasted another 45 minutes of my life. For nothing.

Which makes me wonder if that guy is the only "jerk" around...


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