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I don't know... You can google his name...

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-August-6 00:40:26, Saturday
In reply to If I'm not mistaken . . . posted by A regular on 2011-August-6 00:15:58, Saturday

"William Martin" child pornography

Sometimes I wonder if the news reports are a little exaggerated. Or even if they sometimes lie!

Does the media have a negative attitude towards BL'ers? Sometimes I wonder... Seems they make a lot of money off of it... More readers, higher advertising rates...

Then, of course, there are the LEO getting grants from the Feds. Always comes in handy for increasing salaries and buying nicer office equipment.

And the lawyers. My! the fees they do charge!

And the "save the children" groups (they are "non-profit" organizations, but it's interesting that they pay themselves such high salaries from the Federal grants they get).

And the so-called "mental-health professionals" treating the "victims" as well as the "perpetrators".

And the privatized prison system (quite profitable, I hear. Costs very little to keep people in cages. But they charge a lot to do it...)

Then their are the politicians, making their name on "saving the children". And making great salaries, too. Oh, and they're the ones making all the new laws. The laws that are in response to the media reports of "monster child predators".

And there you have it! We've come full circle! And it goes on and on and on...

"And the circle is unbroken, by and by lord, by and by..."


[Basic rundown on the money-trail, and how persecuting boylovers is so profitable for so many institutins.] martirwithacausesticky


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