Having said that, there are plenty of other boylove boards. BoyChat is not the only BoyLove forum on the internet, nor is http the only protocol on which BoyLove communities exist. If BoyChat fails, as you pointed out, in quantity of posts, or quality of posts, I think that inquiring-minded BoyLovers (i.e, those who matter), will simply move to another domain or medium. If you have seen what happens when BoyChat has an outage or is down for a little while, you would see that many BoyChatters scatter all over the web during those periods and form their own little new groups which eventually grow themselves. There's evidence of this all over the net. Personally, from the archives that I've read, I think BoyChat is as strong as it always has been. There are several people here with very strong opinions, and there are young Boylovers coming in as well, such as Cluffy, that have been offering unique fresh perspectives. I think BoyChat has had ups and down times throughout its history. I've been doing a lot of surfing of the archives, and there's evidence of this throughout it. Fights happen, and amongst it all there are really interesting and insightful posts. I haven't been on BoyChat for long, so I don't have the subjective experience of it, but the archives tend to tell that story. It's kind of like the Climate change alarmist's argument. I think its important for us to simply pickout the best BoyChat posts and increase the BoyWiki, NewGon and IPCE libraries with thoseBoyChat posts. Think of BoyChat as a think tank. Yes it will get messy. But thats what happens in think tanks. Let the official Libraries be more refined. But mostly, because the servers are paid solely by Maintenance Elf, and since he's been around for much longer than any other poster I have read here, I kind of am willing to respect his methods of management. Its like at GirlChat. They have no PRF system. While I have suggested that they ought to have a PRF system, in the end, it is their choice on how they run things. I am not a fan of the BoyChat background either, I think it's awful. But instead making suggestions, I simply disable it when I visit BoyChat. With all honest respect, I think the rights and responsibilities should be reserved for those who pay the rent. I do appreciate your links. Please keep posting more interesting stuff from IPCE and Newgon. These are great Libraries. And if you hear anything new about Judith Levine writings, be sure to let the ChildLove communities know. Thanks. |