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Re: 16 is not a child, totally past puberty

Posted by Audishen on 2011-June-21 09:39:10, Tuesday
In reply to Re: 16 is not a child, totally past puberty posted by Goethe the Feminoidphile on 2011-June-21 07:53:27, Tuesday

"But why this is, I'm still not really sure."

Jewish Halakala, law derived from the talmud, declares and has declared for over a thousand years (maybe two thousand) that the man is to obey the wife in domestic matters, he only has control over non-domestic matters. Now, ofcourse, non-domestically he has a boss he must obey, and domestically he obeys the wife. He is the master of nothing and the slave of everything, the only thing he could control, according to jewish Halakala, is other men etc outside of the home.

They decided this because in Genisis Sarah complained that the son of hagar or hagar was making fun of her, she said send these people away. Abraham did not want to send his son away. God then told him to do as his wife commands. Then he sent them away. Also God told Abraham to call Sari(princess) now Sarah(noblewoman acc to ancient hebrew dictionaries and lexicons, "ruler" according to internet jews). Imagine calling a female "Ruler" every time you addressed her, yea the Jews are proud of this and say that's why the man must obey the wife.

Also the Jewish man is not allowed to fuck his wife for like 14 days each month, traditionally under pain of death (the rabbis first extended the menstration period and also decided that every instance of the phrase "cut off from their people" meant execution, even though the laws that want execution say more than that (cut off from their people and die etc). The menstration law probably means that the man, if he screws the menstrating woman, has to be seperate from the rest of the peeps with her for 7 days (seems to say that). Lots of dumb purity stuff in Leviticus etc that can be easily decided means death if you want to constru it that way (which the jewish rabbis have).

I like Deuteronomy. Doesn't have any of that stuff, the man is refered to as master, raped little virgin girls are forced to stay with the man, etc etc.

Honestly there are a bunch of things that suck in the OT: Abraham doing what sarah said (Genisis, 1st book of OT), some bitch killing a phillistine king and jews being happy about the deception she did (Judges I think, one of the history books) (as if jewish women won't take her as a rolemodel and do the same to their husbands), some woman acting as judge/prophetess (same role Ashia took after Muhammed's death (sad parrelles, no society really every wants to be totally a man's society with the girls as slaves, also Ashia had a man-slave and had his hand CHOPPED off.. imagine a female ordering your hand to be chopped off for taking some cloth,)), David killing 100 philistines and bringing their forskins to some bitch's father (the king) to marry her (Not a HUGE diamond ring?! Only the death of 100 non jews to get one jewish princess?!), then later there is some more female prophets: ruth and ester. Hey ester fucked the persian king and got him to not kill the jews and instead free them WOOO yay woman (whilst being attended by tons of men whos penis and testicals had been sliced off, who cares - they're just surplus men).

Also in the same later books the law in Deuteronomy (31) saying that no euniches are allowed in the congrgation is decided to be reversd:

Deuteronomy 23
1 \u201cNo one who is [a]emasculated or has his male organ cut off shall enter the assembly of the LORD.


Isaiah 56:3-5

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

3 Let not the foreigner who has joined himself to the LORD say,
\u201cThe LORD will surely separate me from His people.\u201d
Nor let the eunuch say, \u201cBehold, I am a dry tree.\u201d

4 For thus says the LORD,

\u201cTo the eunuchs who keep My sabbaths,
And choose what pleases Me,
And hold fast My covenant,
5 To them I will give in My house and within My walls a memorial,
And a name better than that of sons and daughters;
I will give [a]them an everlasting name which will not be cut off.

Or so the jewish rabbis say.

And then Jesus goes all the way and says become a eunich for the kingdom of heaven.

Basically the OT starts out with a somewhat pro-men idea, with some pro-women weaknesses here and there (At one point sarah is refering to abraham as her master, later Sarah is a bitch telling him to send hagar and his son away, and then God tells him (when he doesn't want to do that) to listen to her), moves into more good stuff for men (Moses ordering the men to take the women children as their own)) but also brutal massacres against everyone, then in the last lawbook reaches dizzying pro-men heights in Deuteronomy (this is where the man is refered to with the word 'ba'al': master) continues pro-men for a time (females calling the man master and lord (adown), men seemingly adopting young little girls and keeping them as wives without God having a problem, God infact angry that they were killed (2 Samuel 12), David getting a young girl to try to revive his desires (1 Kings 1).... then later ... the stuff I said before.

Islam has similar problems in it's history. (Females teaching men, being above them, etc)

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men listening to their wives
(B"R 47:1)

"And g-d said to avraham: as for sarai they wife, thou shalt not call her name sarai, but sarah shall her name be. It is written, A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband. R. aha said: her husband was crowned through her, but she was not crowned through her husband. The rabbis said, she was her husbands ruler. Usually, the husbands gives orders, whereas here we read, in all that sarah saith unto thee, harken unto her voice."

(translation from soncino)

(and maise avos siman l'banim)

and further, the statement that chava should be dominated by her husband was a curse, not a blessing to her husband, and also when in megilas ester the odious decree against women was made, chazal considered haman the only person evil enough to make this decree.

kamashma lan that the jewish derech is to listen to your wife, while non-jews dominate their wives.

"And g-d said to avraham: as for sarai they wife, thou shalt not call her name sarai, but sarah shall her name be."
That part is in the OT, the rest is the Talmud.
You know... she was 90 at that time, you might not call an old woman "princess", that's a young girl's monkyer.

Read the first 5 books of the OT at (you can mouse over for the hebrew) and see your own opinion, I dunno. Maybe Start w/ deuteronomy because that one seems sane and good for men. One needs to keep an eye on the hebrew because english transators like to translate things like "man" into "person" and "master" into just "husband" and "woman" into "wife" etc (also they like to try to clean away things like talking about girls etc rather than women, talking about seizing by force (taphas) and pretend it just means holding onto etc)

I'm sad there's no men's culture where men totally rule over the young girls. The best you can get is where fathers rule over the girls and won't let you have them. God didn't make Eve for himself, he made her for Adam.

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