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What I find so incredulous here...

Posted by Steve-D on 2011-May-2 00:16:51, Monday
In reply to a few comments posted by dassdfw on 2011-April-29 13:41:07, Friday that you dump this fat glut of straw-man talking points on us, just to turn around and claim, that when a responder points out how cultural pressures produce people who behave/believe like "you" do, you're being "straw-maned"...

It was a pretty good laymen critique, on social sub-culture wars...I think.

Somewhere in this thread, you claim that we use one study [the "Rind Report"], to justify our positions, beliefs and statements...or, "to justify pedophilia", as you phrased it.

You claimed that children have "no libido"...

You seemingly contested that we are born with this sexual orientation...

You suggest, despite overwhelming evidence that it cannot be done, that we just stop having this sexual orientation...

...and I'm sure, I can find more egregious things you've offered in this thread.

At the bare minimum...I hope it is not "too much" to ask, that you actually educate yourself, and understand not only the breadth and technicalities of the issues, but also who "we" are as a collective group, before you just ride in here on your lofty, high horse, and dictate down to the lepers, in such a condescending way as you have...

"We" don't use the "Rind Report", to justify our existence, who we are or how we live...or what our nature is.

In all of my years here, I have yet to see anybody claim that they base arguments for our validity, on the foundation of that meta-analytic study.

That particular study, was entirely pushed for and produced, within the mental health field, itself. Some of the most ardent supporters of this study [both completing it, and the methodology in which it was done], were not even remotely friendly to the idea of "pedophilia normalization" in society. Quite the contrary...Some of them wanted more detailed information, so that they could concoct "new" forms of alleged "treatment", which could be tailored to specific kinds of cases.

If you listened to some people, you'd be left thinking that all the pedophiles around the world took up a collection, everybody threw in $20, and that we bought/funded a fraudulent study...which is utter rubbish.

The reason why the "Rind Report" is so reviled, is because it exposed certain flawed methodologies, which typically get employed in "child sex abuse" studies. By design, these flawed methodologies grossly skew any resulting statistics...hence, producing grossly distorted findings...

Some researchers in the field, have been complaining about this for decades...It is no secret, to those of us who have been paying attention to what's been going on, for years, and years, and years.

The methodologies used in the "Rind Report" were sound, and met the professional standards...The study was peer reviewed...What the "Rind Report" accomplished, is exposing just how gross the distortion of statistics [and by extension, findings, recommendations and reactions] is, in much of the "sex abuse research" of more recent times.

It did not really give us much else...and since the field of "sex abuse research" is such a barren wasteland of politically motivated, junk most, it opened the door to further enquiry and pursuit of sound research.

Interestingly, this research was not only soundly defended [it's integrity has stood the test of time], but it was also repeated a few years back, with starkly similar findings.

"We" don't claim that the "Rind Report", or even any certain collection of research, "justifies" who we are or how we live...

The "Rind Report" is important, that it exposes the house of cards, which "sex abuse research" happens to be, today.

There are so many facets, to being like living in this these cultures...and there are so many trends...

The whole discussion of "pedophilia", or nearly any related topic, has been hijacked...and people who are the most hostile towards "pedophiles", are also the most territorial about this issue...They seem to believe, that nobody of differing experiences and viewpoints, has any right discussing anything about it...

...and again, that is blatant tripe...

If someone has positive, or even just neutral, experiences related to "pedophiles", then they have every bit as much right to talk about it, as anybody else discussing any other issue.

There is also overwhelming, relentless propaganda campaigns, and gross distortions perpetuated in all forms of media...causing grossly distorted perceptions about us...and an alarming social acceptance of terrorism [death threats, praised physical assaults, etc] against "pedophiles".

To say that there is nothing even resembling objective discussion on "pedophilia" in the general population [as well as much of the mental health field, and countless other professions], is entirely fair...It is honest...and it is something, which needs to change.

Just because you do not understand it, and you don't like it...that does nothing to negate the necessity, of being honest and ethical in not only research, but in how we approach each other as human beings.

Your stance is adversarial, subjective and has the goals of domination and enslavement, of certain kinds of sexual minorities.

The stances of at least some of us here, has to do with establishing honest representation, and exposing/refuting those who habitually attack us.

I'm not going to go on much further, because you've already been brutally thrashed by a handful of other posters [yet, you don't seem to realise how, or where]...The fact that you don't care enough to credibly research what you are saying, is why you've been so overwhelmingly dismissed and scoffed at.

Children do have sex drives...I'm not going to imply, that they all universally have heavy sex drives...and, yes...they do tend to become more intense, once the child has discovered the joys of sex...

...but to imply that such does not exist [in spite of the numbers of children who do have sex, or who were known to have had sex of their own choice]...displays gross, gross incompetency on your own part.

With love...

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