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Column Flow

Posted by Dante from GC on 2011-May-1 05:54:02, Sunday
In reply to a few comments posted by dassdfw on 2011-April-29 13:41:07, Friday

Toxic word buildup can lead to constipation, impaction, hemorrhoids, digestive issues, bad breath, parasites, bloating, gas, weight gain from extra verbal matter, irritable vowel, sluggishness, fuzzy thinking, headaches, tummy bulge, sleep disturbances, and more!

Use Column Flow to break-up rants into small easily excreted chunks.


As for me, I saw he couldn't even finish a first sentence and though why should I give his writing any more consideration than he did? I stopped caring as soon as he did. Though its a shame he continued with a block-o-text after he flagged his lack of thought.

* sigh *

Dante from GC

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