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Posted by Spiff on 2011-April-29 21:20:13, Friday
In reply to no posted by ffjfjhfj on 2011-April-29 21:11:21, Friday

It would also help if you are not going to register your nick to consistently use the same unregistered one. Just trying to give you some helpful advice.

You are the one coming to our haven, which as been here for 15 years, and asking us to disprove you. First use some sources to back yourself up. At the very least use grammar and logic to make points that last more than a few sentences.

The reason for this is not just to make fun of your poor grammar, logic, lack of sources, and other things. I, and some others, are not going to get in an argument with someone who debates that way. There is no point. If you can show us otherwise then more people will engage you in an actual discussion, I guarantee you that. You are on our turf not the other way around.

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