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Please read this.

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-April-29 15:43:36, Friday
In reply to Shoot the messenger all you want posted by fsfsdf on 2011-April-29 15:25:22, Friday

On what basis do you make your claims?

Have you read intensively on the subject, or are you merely parroting what others have told you?

Have you read:
"Whores of the Court" (click to view it) which exposes how so-called "mental health professionals" have created the supposed problems you are describing?

Do you understand what "iatrogenic disease" is? Google it.

Have you read "Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex" by Judith Levine? (It is available for purchase from not violate copyright law. It may be unlawful and a violation of copyright in your jurisdiction to download the book using file-sharing programs such as utorrent. Check your local applicable laws.)

Please read these publications. Come back and we can discuss the subject in greater detail.

Remember - here you are speaking to people who have personal experience, not to people projecting their own fears and biases on a topic they have no personal experience with, and who profit greatly by sensationalizing the topic.



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