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If anyone tries to connect me with martir, I'll

Posted by littlexs on 2011-April-21 00:41:06, Thursday
In reply to WHAT?! THERE'S A CONSPIRACY AGAINST LITTLEXS posted by Prometheus on 2011-April-21 00:27:23, Thursday

... attack seb right away, and show him to be the low-life that he really is, and ignore middy so as to not give him a big head.

Make perfect sense to me.

TPKAss middy never got caustic with me. middy was just calling me names in a round-about way - a underhanded way. Why not post his stupid stuff right under MY posts instead of posting under OTHER people's posts, talking "around me" as Amicus would have described it.

I lost respect for middy at that point and won't be able to find him funny any more - as if anyone cares but me.

I suppose there must be great MULTITUDES of folks here who don't read me JUST because they have no respect for me - or for whatever reason.

They would understand me.

Gawd, martir stole your "sigh" - that guy is a hopeless plagiarist, right down to his posting style. Oh, is that a "talk around" against martir - spank me naked.

martir stopped stealing stuff from me as soon as he lost respect for me - thank goodness.

The less connections with martir the better.

littlexs: age 5 yo

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