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The powers that be haven't logged-in yet so they

Posted by littlexs on 2011-April-16 18:01:07, Saturday
In reply to Keep digging... And follow the responses ... posted by martirwithacause on 2011-April-16 17:07:59, Saturday

... may not have had time to discuss this on the cog board so they don't make a mistake by cogging to quickly.

You are encouraging them to cog quickly though, just like they did when Nickless and Amicus got banned (well, Amicus threw a fit bigger than your character would allow, I hope).

I'd rather give the cogs all the time they can use, rather than see them act in TOO much haste.

The fact that some Google keywords are in a BC post may NOT be SO big of a deal that it needs to be edited right away. It may only create a problem if left for an extended period of time. Who knows?

I have a feeling the cogs know better than you and me, tho.

littlexs: age 5 yo

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