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No BL will ever stand up to the system

Posted by A. Mouse on 2011-April-6 20:11:41, Wednesday
In reply to Will No One Ever Stand Up to the System? posted by Enochian on 2011-April-6 17:34:56, Wednesday

BLs are naturally timid. Maybe that's why boys find us likable and non-threatening. But that natural timidity means that there will never be a BL Stonewall, and there will certainly never be a BL 2nd Amendment option. For whatever reason, BLs will appease their enemies, slink away from confrontation and march quietly to the gas chambers. Some of us would probably throw the switch at our own execution if the authorities ordered us to do so.

I don't know what causes this. There's probably a bit of Stockholm Syndrome involved, combined with a general feeling of depression from all the negative messages we hear in the media. I think there's also a sneaking suspicion that the authorities are right and that we really do deserve the treatment we get.

When the knock on the door comes, the BL will go peacefully, with cries of "please be gentle!" and "I'm so sorry!" and "don't hurt me!" When he is offered a deal, he will wail "I relent!" and "I accept!" and "I surrender!" When he stands before the judge, he will say "I was bad!" and "I was wrong!" and "I am guilty!"

Even one poster here, who always claimed to have great and violent plans in the event of a police raid, proved to be timid in the end. His epic victory against the authorities was simply this: he turned off his computer before he went quietly away.

I'd like to think I'd do things differently. You probably like to think you'd do things differently, too. But we won't do things differently. We are cooperative. We are gentle. We are timid. We are BLs.

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