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Windows $ supports our oppression

Posted by anoldposter on 2011-April-5 16:53:09, Tuesday
In reply to Screen savers can save you from being outted... posted by martirwithacause on 2011-April-4 19:21:02, Monday

Is the laptop new? Can you get a refund from Microsoft for installing a copy of windows you don't want on it?

Quit using that garbage (my advice). Microsoft uses a portion of the revenue from your copy of Windows 7 to fund anti-pedophile activities, including distributing the COFEE device free to law enforcement. I've seen the internal Microsoft documents floating around the internets on all of the intentional holes built into Windows for LEA ease of use - fucking amazing. Bitlocker is *not* secure.

On top of all of that, windows is the biggest pile of shit imaginable anyway. 50% of your CPU cycles are used to protect your machine from you (DRM) - I wouldn't use the stuff if it was free, because there's better free stuff available.

Mount linux with KDE. Kubuntu is a good, easy to use distribution. There's tons of good, free screen savers available. Full disk encryption with publicly available source code, so you can have some sense of security that truecrypt, etc. aren't in bed with the government.

Do you have an e-mail address? In all your postings, I've never seen one.

Also, justout of curiosity from the homeless comments, are you working?

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